
Wildwood Dwelling Hexagon Quilt


Hi!  I had the pleasure of working with the new line of fabric from Poppie Cotton - "Wildwood Dwelling" designed by @sheri.mcculley 

The line features the most adorable woodland creatures print as well as beautiful florals in a muted palette of turquoise, pink, salmon and yellow.

When searching for just the right project, I remembered taking a workshop from Sew Katie Did to make a hexagon quilt pieced by machine.
I thought a hexagon quilt would be the perfect project for showcasing all the adorable prints.

Red Pepper Quilts has a great tutorial on how to sew hexagons by machine  which you can find HERE

I purchased a hexagon template from Stated Woods Supply on Etsy.  I chose the 6" size but they have many sizes available depending on your desired design.
You can find the ruler HERE

I opted for a Grandmother's Flower Garden design and used gingham for the center of the flowers.

I chose a layout that positions the flowers next to each other.

This layout is a more traditional Flower Garden quilt - but the possibilities are endless!

I hope you choose to make a project with Wildwood Dwelling!

Happy Sewing!

Charise  : )

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