
Royal Tea

I'm very excited to have a project in Issue 10 -Fat Quarterly  ~  Sew Brittania. The issue is full of wonderful projects inspired by the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Summer Olympics in London..

I created "Royal Tea" a pillow pair using vintage crown and tea pot images I applied to fabric 
via transfer paper. The images were found at Graphics Fairy

I was going for a vintage, antique feel and used Moda Etchings by 3 sisters for the background fabric and the fabric I applied the transfers to.   The prints are Liberty Tana Lawn.  The project requires  very little fabric so I was able to splurge on Liberty fabric!!

The pillow back fabric is Botanika Collection by Paula Prass.
I hope you will take a peek at FQ Issue 10!



A Woman's Work

I'm ecstatic - I got the last bit of fabric from the lovely Ayumi to finish  the equally lovely Leila's Cocorico Bee Block.
Leila's theme is "a woman's work" -  inspired by the 50's housewife.  She was inspired by vintage advertisements and this blog - very funny and worth the read!  I started a pinterest board to serve as my design board for images to draw from.  The apron was one of my favorites and this is how I interpreted it for Leila:

Yes...I made not just one but three : )  I couldn't stop they were so much fun to make.  Leila can choose her favorite!

Since Leila asked for 6" blocks and this block is a bit easier than most of my bee blocks I've made,  I decided to make "In the Cupboard - Mixing bowl set" for her as well.  There is a pic on my pinterest board of stacked vintage pyrex which was the inspiration for this block.

This one was also fun and very addictive to make.  The top left is my vintage bowl set - mismatched and much loved.  The other two are definitely a matching set though also vintage inspired.  Most of the fabrics were from Ayumi's wonderful shop.  The apple fabric on the bottom is Riley Blake Apple of my eye, which I just adore!  The yellow and red apron fabric is Hope Chest from the website Connecting Threads. 

The patterns are available in my Etsy shop and Craftsy shop should you want to make one of your own!!

On the home front, it has been crazy busy around here.  My hubs has been working hard on our new patio for our back yard with help from our boys!! They are actually at an age where they are helpful.  It is pretty cool.
It is going to be just beautiful but definitely making the rest of the yard look a bit shabby : )

I hope you are enjoying your summer!!


Work in Progress Wednesday

I've been a busy bee the past week.  Getting close to having Leila's Cocorico bee blocks done:

I'm also working on a few things for a blog hop during the first week of August - more details soon!



Summer Cocktail

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer!  It is finally nice here in Seattle. 
70-80 degrees - perfect summer weather. I thought Summer would never come - we have had one dreary Summer up until July 4th!

I just finished my latest Bee Block!!! 
Tamiko requested "Magnum PI" for her theme in the Ringo Pie Bee.  I didn't watch the show (I was a busy college girl at the time) but who doesn't remember the mustached Tom Selleck !!
Tamiko provided a great picture mosaic and I decide to go with a cocktail.  Mine has a pink umbrella.  I hope Magnum is in touch with his feminine side !!

After sketching this in the computer I decided to make a pattern.  I have it available in my Craftsy and Etsy shops : ) 
And speaking of summer, I just discovered Sew Mama Sew's newest Fat Quarter Idol.  I love this contest!!   If you have a few minutes I highly recommend it for the sheer fun of it.  You have until tomorrow to come up with your Fat Quarter set.  The theme is "Beach Blanket Bingo" and here is my entry:
Ok....I soooooo want a cocktail on the beach with a blanket made with these fabrics!!!!
 Hope you are enjoying your summer!


Liberty Past and Present

Seems I have been seeing lots of lovely Liberty fabric projects popping up.  Kerry made this lovely tea set for the Liberty Cafe  - how cool is that?  Leila made an absolutely adorable frame pouch.

I thought I would share my past experience with Liberty Fabrics.  You may or may not know this, but I have been a fashion designer for the past 23 years.  I have taken the past few years away from my career to spend time with my youngest son who goes to Kindergarten in the Fall. 
Way back when in 1999 : )  I worked as the women's woven designer for Nordstrom's Evergreen, now Halogen, line of women's clothing.  It was a wonderful job.  Halogen was a new line for Nordstrom and I was the first of two designers.  Those of you who are familiar with Nordstrom may know a bit about the different departments. At the time, Halogen was to sit in the Savvy department at Nordstrom.  The Savvy department houses young, fresh, higher end fashion.  I was lucky enough to travel to Europe for design inspiration, work with factories in Italy and even more exciting, to shop the most wonderful fabric show - Premiére Vision -  outside Paris!  We purchased fabulous Europen fabrics and that is where the connection comes to Liberty Fabrics.  I chose Liberty lawn for this little top I designed, bottom right.

I even still have the swatch booklet from the 1999 Liberty Fabrics line.

Can you tell it is well loved?  It has been travelling with me for the past 13 years : )
I love to open it and admire all the wonderful designs.
Someday I'll muster the courage to cut into it........

So... all that being said, and thanks for listening, but I couldn't resist this F8 pack of Liberty from Pink Chalk fabrics!!  I think I'll make the Rose Dream block into a zip pouch.



Have you seen this?

The Workroom had a photo of this on Flickr. 

I have soooo many projects in the works but I just had to buy the pattern.  You can get it as an instant download PDF.  The details are just amazing and I'm torn as to whether to make the top or dress! 
Or maybe the dress with the bishop sleeves.  The placket is bias cut stripes and I think it is an absolute genius detail.  It reminds me of something I would find at Anthropologie, my absolute favorite shop!!
The Victory website is here and she has many more adorable patterns!!

I made another Rose Dreams Block.  I just love this block!!
Thank you everyone for your comments about a Vintage Block Quilt Along.  I'm definitely going to start in the Fall when my little boys are in school.  It will be a block a month, no stress, no pressure.  Make an entire quilt or use the patterns for a bee block or any quilty project you can think of.
Have a lovely day!
